Welcome to livesim2!
Running at https://livesim.dashif.org
livesim2 is a simulator for MPEG-DASH live streaming developed by DASH-IF. It uses VoD assets and converts them to wall-clock synchronized "live" streams, by rewriting timestamps, segment numbers, and segment URLs. It also re-fragments segments so that they can be used for low-latency DASH streaming.
The live stream URLs start with /livesim2/. After that comes an big optional set of parameters, followed by the asset name, and finally the MPD. There may be multiple MPDs for one asset corresponding to different sets of media tracks or other fixed settings in the MPD. The available parameters are listed on the Wiki parameters page. The easiest way to configure the URLs to with such parameters is the URL generator page. Note, the URL generator and other pages include links for direct playback using online versions of dash.js or any other configured player. However, some restrictions may apply as discussed on the Wiki page Direct Playback.
A new feature is CMAF ingest generation. For testing reception of such streams, there is also a separate component "cmaf-ingest-receiver" available in the livesim2 Github repo.
Useful local URLs
The following URLs should work at https://livesim.dashif.org. Some of them provides streaming URLs or even URLs that start a DASH player with the corresponding asset URL. Others provide information about the server.
- /urlgen is a form to generate URLs for live streaming from this host
- /assets provides a list of all loaded assets and their MPDs
- livesim2-wiki compares url parameters between livesim2 and livesim1
- /vod provides a list of all VoD assets and their MPDs
- /healthz returns true if server is running
- /config return the current config of the server in JSON format
- /metrics return Prometheus metrics for the system and all streaming content requests
- /reqcount returns the number of requests if a limit is set
- /version returns the software version in JSON format
- /api/docs provides documentation for a REST API for CMAF ingest generation of streams to specified hosts
Further information
For more information about the project, see- livesim2 Github project
- livesim2 Github Wiki
- Preparing Content for livesim2
- wiki list of url parameters
- Github project for planning new features
- The livesim channel in the DASH-IF slack
Version: v1.7.0, date: 2025-01-17